

mobile plant insights platform sensor

Gardin needed to take a new mechanical sensor product (containing over 29 injection moulded components + laser + sensors + PCBs) from Design to Field Trials within just 18 months.

Starting with a thorough Design For Manufacture (DFM) approach then progressing to rapid steel tooling, FRP Solutions provided Gardin with accurate, “right first time” mouldings in industrial grade polymers, colour-matched to their exact specifications.  GOM inspection reports ensured that complex surfaces were measured accurately in conjunction with conventional metrology to ensure consistent measurements at every stage.  FRP Technologies completed the solution with dedicated expert assembly & testing of the final product to Gardin’s specifications.

Our Software As A Service (SAAS) offering to our customers depends on the data generated from our next generation sensors.  We needed a rapid manufacturing partner that not only understood plastic injection moulding but which could also help us to design, develop, test & assemble a platform sensor for delivery to our end users. 

FRP Group stepped up to the challenge in every department and delivered the high precision moulded components needed for us to achieve this via FRP Solutions – keeping the assembly & testing in-house at FRP Technologies was a no-brainer and helped enable us to hit our very challenging timelines for launching this critical product onto the market.”

Andrew Hunter-Osborne, Supply Chain & Operations Director- Gardin Ltd